Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Assignment #7: Climax

Hi everyone! Aphrodite here. How is everyone doing? I'm feeling lovely as always.

The next aspect of the myth about the love of Ares and I is the climax. The climax of the myth happens about halfway through the tale. Directly before the climax, the reader is left wondering what actions Hephaestus will take to punish Ares and I. This question is answered when the snare placed in my bed suddenly traps Ares and I. We are immobile in the tight space of the net. The bodies of Ares and I are tightly pressed together. This action answered the cliffhanger at the beginning of the story as to why Hephaestus was setting up snares on our bed. It also touches on what others think of my relationship with Ares. Other gods are present for the ordeal, and find pleasure in our punishment. We had been caught in the act. There was no more refusomg , and I had to own up to my mistakes. This did not stop me from making the same mistakes over and over again.

 I began to feel very chlosterphobic. Hephaestus was very pleased with this punishment. Although this action did not stop me from being an unfaithful wife, I have and will never forget the pain I caused Hephaestus. I respect Hephaestus' intelligent nature even more now than I ever did before. I did not know that Hephaestus was aware of my adulterous actions.

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